فهرست منبع

updated notes after review

wesvirus 4 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه12 افزوده شده و 7 حذف شده
  1. 12 7

+ 12 - 7

@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
 multiplexer(mux) - allows multiple people to use the same TTY
 (we did this with screen and also opened up different windows)
-VNC is technically multiplexer
-needs to handle multiple input and output
-google docs is an example of multiplexer
 when using screen (ctrl+a) + ? will show shortcuts
+needs to handle, either multiple input/output from/to a singular input/output
+-  google docs is an example of multiplexer
+-  VNC is technically multiplexer
 command to show the network connections
 ss -taln 
-apache is the most commonly used 
+apache is the most commonly used web server
+iis - internet information services from microsoft is another web server
+nginx - another commonly used web server
+common convention for software developers for their repository pages is to use git.domain.com
-common convention for gogs pages is to use git.domain.com
+webpages are usually just a file or a folder
 can have many websites hosted from one domain
-can add diff websites into DNS with same domain
+a website has to have at least one domain, but can have multiple subdomains. 
 apache was default for port 80 on the domain for gogs
+used a2enmod, enabled modphp, enabled modproxy, a2ensite to configure site config files