#2 this is somewhat cool code

ادغام شده
wesvirus 2 کامیت ادغام شده از kyle/master به wesvirus/master 4 سال پیش
هنوز محتوایی ایجاد نشده.

I dunno, there are some things that conflict with my superior pull request. I haven't looked at the code, but mine seems better.

I dunno, there are some things that conflict with my superior pull request. I haven't looked at the code, but mine seems better.

Mine is better because:

  • i am a better coder
  • my code is better
  • my computer is faster
Mine is better because: - i am a better coder - my code is better - my computer is faster
wesvirus 4 سال پیش بسته شد

Why did you accept this one and not mine? Mine is better.

Why did you accept this one and not mine? Mine is better.
درخواست pull request با موفقیت ادغام شد!
برای پیوستن به گفتگو، وارد شودید.
بدون برچسب
بدون نقطه عطف
بدون مسئول رسیدگی
2 مشارکت کننده
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هنوز محتوایی ایجاد نشده.