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Slice of Pie

by Helen Yu tags: algebra, math, validation


Create a function that determines whether or not it's possible to split a pie fairly given these three parameters: Total number of slices. Number of recipients. How many slices each person gets. The function will be in this form: equalSlices(total slices, no. recipients, slices each) Examples equalSlices(11, 5, 2) ➞ true // 5 people x 2 slices each = 10 sl


Create a function that determines whether or not it's possible to split a pie fairly given these three parameters:

  1. Total number of slices.
  2. Number of recipients.
  3. How many slices each person gets.

The function will be in this form:

equalSlices(total slices, no. recipients, slices each)


equalSlices(11, 5, 2)  true
// 5 people x 2 slices each = 10 slices < 11 slices

equalSlices(11, 5, 3)  false
// 5 people x 3 slices each = 15 slices > 11 slices

equalSlices(8, 3, 2)  true

equalSlices(8, 3, 3)  false

equalSlices(24, 12, 2)  true


  • Return (trivially) true if there are zero people.
  • It's fine not to use the entire pie.
  • All test parameters are integers.
  • Don't forget to return the result.
  • If you get stuck on a challenge, find help in the Resources tab.
  • If you're really stuck, unlock solutions in the Solutions tab.