@@ -5,4 +5,16 @@ turn that on and off, manually. This may lead to another task of addding this to
1) Continue with PDF Hummus, get text and image to work on same page using the Shutdown & Continue function.
-2) make the text on page code into one function vs all the separate parts it is in currently.
+2) make the text on page code into one function vs all the separate parts it is in currently.
+1) When using modifyPage we found a segment fault - line 104. - will need to figure that out next time.
+2) pdfWriter can be used with multiple pdfPage(s) - we don't seem to need shutdown and continue to get mutliple different pages launched.
+1) in ..\PDFHummus-minGW-tools\Readme.txt there are notes describing why Msft implemented the VirtualStore, unfortunately there is unpredictable behavior.
+Some people at StackOverFLOW have a suggestion on how to deal with it.
+Microsoft does not gurantee that a file will be written and be able to be read. To undo this and figure out where a file is being written/read
+the link below may have a possible solution. Since Msft writes files "randomly", when trying to read or modify the same file the program is unable
+to access the file. The below link will potentially help in detection of Msft's read write redirect (Msft claims that they do it both directions...).