notes.txt 2.0 KB

  1. Today - we compiled all the .cpp files into object files.
  2. The PDFHummus codebase did not have a build for anything other than
  3. MSVC. Tried to compile PDFWriter.cpp, but there were a huge amount of missing
  4. dependencies (both in source type declarations & missing include files).
  5. Previously, these were handled in the build tool, so we had to create a new build tool
  6. that also handled these problems. We found that nearly all (127) out of 152 source files,
  7. could be compiled without any dependency problems but that left 25 files to hunt down.
  8. Each of the files was put into a Makefile along with special compile flags to get them to
  9. compile successfully.
  10. At this point freetype2 has been compiled, but the other external libraries(e.g. libpng, zlib, libjpg, tiff, etc) need to be compiled so that we can link together an executable.
  11. 9 April 2020
  12. Libaesgm had no instructions for putting together the library.
  13. we made object files from the source files and used an archiver to put them together.
  14. we put together a strategy on where to put the unsupported (vcpkg) libraries that are needed by PDFWriter.
  15. Next time, we will use the previous created makefile as well as these libraries to compile PDFHummus.
  16. We dumped all of the steps to get to this point into a file so we can clean up these build instructions:
  17. README.txt
  18. 12 April 2020
  19. Today we compiled all of the object files for libtiff, libpng, libjpeg, libaesgm, zlib, and freetype2. After compiling all of the object files we archived them into a lib file.
  20. All h files for each of the libraries were copied into our main library (include folder) for usage in PDFWriter.lib.
  21. Initially there were some issues with the Aesgm library where the object files did not compile correctly and were giving us some errors. However, after recompiling them and
  22. making some KYLE modificiations, they ended up working well and were ok being incorporated into the PDFWriter.lib.
  23. Now that we have our PDFWriter.lib finally compiled we can start to use PDFHummus and we should also find out if the Aesgm problem can be recreated.