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Thirty Five Second pseudocode

  • each player gets a card
  • players take turns rolling multiple six-sided dice
  • during each player's turn all players may add points to their card
  • the player whose turn it is must add points to their card
  • at the end of the turn the game may end if there are enough points on any players card
  • the game ends

Slightly Longer Pseudocode

the game is set up

  • each player gets a card
    • called playerCard for player to mark their points
    • has 4 different colored rows
    • rows are numbered 2-12 with boxes for scoring
  • there are six six-sided dice
    • two white die, a blue, a red, a yellow and green die.

players take turns

  1. roll the dice
  2. all players may add points to their card
    • sum both white dice and optionally add points to any color on card
  3. the player whose turn it is sums one white and one colored dice and may add points to that color on card
  4. the player whose turn it is adds penalty if no points taken
  5. scoring phase
    • at the end of the turn, the game may end if there are enough points on any player's card
      • if any one player has 4 penalties, the game is over
      • if any 2 rows are locked out, the game is over

the game is ended

  • list the scores and indicate the winner