jb6113 abb110924c import repo "radon-stuff" il y a 3 ans
README.md abb110924c import repo "radon-stuff" il y a 3 ans
page-converter-pro.php abb110924c import repo "radon-stuff" il y a 3 ans
radon-from-eye.psv abb110924c import repo "radon-stuff" il y a 3 ans
radon-page-4.md abb110924c import repo "radon-stuff" il y a 3 ans


convert from google spreadsheets

shell script for generating SQL intsert statements

{ echo 'INSERT INTO radonLog (id, time, reading) VALUES ('; sed 's/|/ /g' radon-from-eye.psv |awk '{print "(\047R\047, " $2 ", " $3 "),"}'; echo ");"; }
|tee radon-from-eye.sql

convert from hand-written

use the page-converter-pro parsing script to parse the file radon-page-4.md to get various SQL insert statements