![sylvester](pictures/cat.jpg) # SD Card Make sure the first partition of the SD card is the one that contains the example files. It should be formatted FAT32. # Wiring - digital pins on Arduino Nano ## MP3 Module D8..D10 Connect pins 8 and 9 to the YX5300 UART. (pin 10 is not usable) * D9 is transmit pin * D8 is receive pin ## Triggers D2..D6 Ground pin to trigger playing mp3 files in assigned folder 01..05. Pin D2 is assigned folder 01. # Bridge Control Send commands to the Arduino Nano hardware UART TX1..RX0. The software will control the YX5300. Control at 9600bps. ## Commands * h = Help * p = Play * P = Pause * > = Next * < = Previous * + = Volume UP * - = Volume DOWN * c = Query current file * q = Query status * v = Query volume * x = Query folder count * t = Query total file count * 1 = Play folder 1 * 2 = Play folder 2 * 3 = Play folder 3 * 4 = Play folder 4 * 5 = Play folder 5 * S = Sleep * W = Wake up * r = Reset # Reprogramming Sketch is included on [SD card](".\arduino\ArduinoSerialMP3Player\ArduinoSerialMP3Player\ArduinoSerialMP3Player.ino") I had a problem trying to program this using the Arduino 1.8.7, these are the steps I took to resolve: 1. Install the AltSoftSerial Library from Paul 2. Arduino IDE program - select Tools -> Board (Arduino Nano) 3. Arduino IDE program - select Tools -> Processor (ATmega328 old bootloader) 4. Arduino IDE program - [Ctrl] + [R] to compile and upload ## ArduinoSerialMP3Player Modified the code to use Paul's altSoftSerial and added trigger pins. Otherwise nothing else was modified, original repo is on [github/cefaloide](https://github.com/cefaloide/ArduinoSerialMP3Player) # Sounds To make cat noises some sample mp3 were collected from the internet. Audacity was used to make modifications and to analyze the samples. ![audacity](pictures/audacity.png) ## Process 1. Open the one hour file. 2. Press the ']' button and type in the ending selection timestamp. 3. Cut the selection, if selection was whitespace goto step 2. 4. Press 'ctrl' + 'n' to create a new project. 5. Press 'ctrl' + 'v' to paste selection into project. 6. Press spacebar to play the sound. 7. Count the number of syllables and remeber details about the sound played. 8. Press 'alt' + 'a' then release, press 'a' to open the Frequency Analysis subwindow. 9. Remeber the frequency with the highest energy. Press 'esc' to close the subwindow. 10. Press 'ctrl' + 's' to save the project. 11. Give the file a name that includes the lenght, number of syllables, a description and the strongest frequency. 12. Press enter to save using the given filename. 13. Press 'ctrl' + 'w' to close the project. Focus should return to the one hour file. 14. Goto step 2.