@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+## What is player
+> `playerCard` - has 4 different colored rows for player to mark their points
+## What is dice roll
+> `random` (1-6) - a random number 1 through 6, for 6 die(2 white die, 4 colored die).
+## What is score
+> `score` point total earned per player
+## What is a turn
+> 1. dice gets rolled
+> 1. Active Player chooses to score white die combo either/and/or white + color die. If no score is taken, then player chooses to score penalty.
+> 1. Other Players choose to score a white + color die or take no score.
+> 1. End of turn (score calculated and displayed to each player), check penalties, check row lockouts, new Active Player.
+## End of Game
+> * Display players scores
+> * Winner name at top
+> * New game / leave game / add player / remove player
+## Five Second Psudo-planation
+> It is a game.
+## Fifteen Second Psudo-planation
+> It is a game. Players take turns to roll die and score points.
+# Thirty Five Second pseudocode
+each player gets a card
+players take turns rolling multiple six-sided dice
+during each player's turn all players may add points to their card
+the player whose turn it is must add points to their card
+at the end of the turn the game may end if there are enough points on any players card
+the game ends
+# Slightly Longer Pseudocode
+## the game is set up
+- each player gets a card
+- a card has 4 colored rows numbered 2-12 with boxes for scoring
+- there are two white die, a blue, a red, a yellow and green die.
+## players take turns
+1. players take turns rolling multiple six-sided dice
+1. during each player's turn all players may add points to their card
+1. the player whose turn it is must add points to their card
+1. at the end of the turn the game may end if there are enough points on any players card
+ - enough points on card are indicated by penalties or row lockouts
+## the game is ended
+- the winner is congratulated