@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Microsoft does not gurantee that a file will be written and be able to be read.
the link below may have a possible solution. Since Msft writes files "randomly", when trying to read or modify the same file the program is unable
to access the file. The below link will potentially help in detection of Msft's read write redirect (Msft claims that they do it both directions...).
Add the Microsoft API debug information into VTune Profiler - so other winAPI calls can be tracked, for instance Sleep.
+! adding srv*C:\local_symbols_cache_location*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols when running analysis in VTune will add function names in the
+results/analysis (still doesnt link source files however...)
Have a release and a debug version of executables -> change Makefile