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After fixing a bug, PDFHummus now generates similarly to GK example.

wes 4 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
2 tập tin đã thay đổi với 75 bổ sung103 xóa
  1. 5 9
  2. 70 94

+ 5 - 9

@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
-Got image and text to work - but image resource has to be added before adding to pagecontext. there is a committed version of this from today. 
-We now need to figure out how shutdown and continue works. In Gal's example it creates 2 separate pages. In our example it is now creating one page with only the image on it, no text.
-1) Figure out this error message for pdfHummusTest1.exe:
-    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
-    what():  std::bad_alloc 
-segmentation fault was found on line 99 of the code.
 2) Debugger only seems to work if we use the -g command when compiling to include debug inside of executable. Find out if we can do this another way or if we need to 
-turn that on and off, manually. This may lead to another task of addding this to all other targets in the makefile. 
+turn that on and off, manually. This may lead to another task of addding this to all other targets in the makefile. 
+1) Continue with PDF Hummus, get text and image to work on same page using the Shutdown & Continue function.
+2) make the text on page code into one function vs all the separate parts it is in currently.

+ 70 - 94

@@ -21,102 +21,78 @@
 int main(){
     //  Go to: "%AppData%\..\Local\VirtualStore"  - because Windows does not write to the C:\ drive  
     printf("if running on Windows check here for file(s): %%AppData%%\\..\\Local\\VirtualStore\n");
-    {
-        PDFWriter pdfWriter;
-        //  ********************
-        //  get a PDFWriter object to interact with. set the PDF version, set log file
-        EStatusCode e = pdfWriter.StartPDF("c:\\myFile.pdf",ePDFVersion13,LogConfiguration(true,true,".\\logMe"));
-        if (e){ 
-            /*  25APR20 - look through codebase and found these three reasons for nonrecoverable failure:
-            *  - user requested encryption, document doesn't support it
-            *  - it is unlikely, but for some reason GK wanted to call OutputFile::CloseFile(), it failed 
-            *  - operating system was unsuccessful at giving a lock for the filename *
-            * 
-            *  * Windows 'gives' a lock, but doesn't protect others from writing to this filename
-            */
-            printf("Terminating (c:\\myFile.pdf): unsuccessful lock or couldn't close existing or requested encryption but not supported\n");
-            TRACE_LOG("Terminating (c:\\myFile.pdf): unsuccessful lock or couldn't close existing or requested encryption but not supported");
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        TRACE_LOG("Notified OS we might use c:\\myFile.pdf");
-        PDFPage* pdfPage = new PDFPage();
-        //  set dimensions for an A4 sized page
-        pdfPage->SetMediaBox(PDFRectangle(0,0,595,842));
-        PageContentContext* pageContentContext = pdfWriter.StartPageContentContext(pdfPage);
-        //  include font file
-        PDFUsedFont* arialTTF = pdfWriter.GetFontForFile("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf");
-        //  include image file
-        //  ADD CONTENT 
-        //  ********************
-        //  set font color to black
-        pageContentContext->k(0,0,0,1);
-        //  set text object
-        pageContentContext->BT();
-        //  set font 
-        pageContentContext->Tf(arialTTF,1);
-        //  set position of text
-        pageContentContext->Tm(20,0,0,20,40,822);
-        //  insert text into PDF
-        pageContentContext->Tj("Text placed and scaled with Tm");
-        //  end of text
-        pageContentContext->ET();
-        pdfWriter.EndPageContentContext(pageContentContext);
-        pdfWriter.WritePageAndRelease(pdfPage);
-        // ****************Shutdown Usage************
-        // ******************************************
-        // ******************************************
-        pdfWriter.Shutdown("c:\\myFile.pdf.shutdown");
-        /*PDFWriter pdfWriterB;
-        pdfWriterB.ContinuePDF("c:\\myFile.pdf","myFile.pdf.shutdown","",LogConfiguration(true,true,".\\logMe"));
-        PDFPage* pdfPageB = new PDFPage();
-        //  set dimensions for an A4 sized page
-        pdfPageB->SetMediaBox(PDFRectangle(0,0,595,842));
-        PageContentContext* pageContentContextB = pdfWriterB.StartPageContentContext(pdfPageB);
-        PDFFormXObject* image = pdfWriterB.CreateFormXObjectFromJPGFile("C:\\Users\\bad-p\\Desktop\\Work Folder\\VS CODE\\SanAntonioPass.jpg");
-        if (!image){
-            TRACE_LOG("Image file not found, creating PDF without image.");
-            printf("The image \"C:\\Users\\bad-p\\Desktop\\Work Folder\\VS CODE\\SanAntonioPass.jpg\" was not found.");
-        }
-        pageContentContextB->q();
-        pageContentContextB->cm(0.4,0,0,0.4,57.5,241);
-        pageContentContextB->Do(pdfPageB->GetResourcesDictionary().AddFormXObjectMapping(image->GetObjectID()));
-        pageContentContextB->Q();
-        delete image;
-        //  END PAGE, WRITE PDF.
-        //  ******************** 
-        pdfWriterB.EndPageContentContext(pageContentContextB);
-        EStatusCode f = pdfWriterB.WritePageAndRelease(pdfPageB);
-        if (f){
-            printf ("something interesting");
-        }
-        pdfWriterB.EndPDF();*/
-        if(false)for(int i = 0;0<1000000000;i++){
-            if(i*i*i<(i/3))
-            break;
-        }
-        /*
-        LPOVERLAPPED kyle;
-        //  waiting for previous wfsopen to finish from GK lib
-        while(true){
-            //  open file
-            FILE *f = fopen("C:\\Users\\bad-p\\AppData\\Local\\VirtualStore\\myFile.pdf","r");
-            //  create lock for file, after lock is created, done waiting.
-            if(LockFileEx(
-                f,                                       //  handle to file (needs to be GENERIC_READ)
-                LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK,                 //  force an exclussive lock vs. a shared lock
-                0,                                       //  must be set to 0 (dwReservered)
-                0,                                       //  The low-order 32 bits of the length of the byte range to lock
-                MAXDWORD,                                //  The high-order 32 bits of the length of the byte range to lock. | MAXDWORD = 0xffffffff
-                kyle                                     //  
-            )) { fclose(f); break; }
-            //  check for file every 6th of a second
-            else { fclose(f); Sleep(650); }
-        }
+    PDFWriter pdfWriter;
+    //  ********************
+    //  get a PDFWriter object to interact with. set the PDF version, set log file
+    EStatusCode e = pdfWriter.StartPDF("c:\\myFile.pdf",ePDFVersion13,LogConfiguration(true,true,".\\logMe"));
+    if (e){ 
+        /*  25APR20 - look through codebase and found these three reasons for nonrecoverable failure:
+        *  - user requested encryption, document doesn't support it
+        *  - it is unlikely, but for some reason GK wanted to call OutputFile::CloseFile(), it failed 
+        *  - operating system was unsuccessful at giving a lock for the filename *
+        * 
+        *  * Windows 'gives' a lock, but doesn't protect others from writing to this filename
+        printf("Terminating (c:\\myFile.pdf): unsuccessful lock or couldn't close existing or requested encryption but not supported\n");
+        TRACE_LOG("Terminating (c:\\myFile.pdf): unsuccessful lock or couldn't close existing or requested encryption but not supported");
+        exit(1);
+    TRACE_LOG("Notified OS we might use c:\\myFile.pdf");
+    PDFPage* pdfPage = new PDFPage();
+    //  set dimensions for an A4 sized page
+    pdfPage->SetMediaBox(PDFRectangle(0,0,595,842));
+    PageContentContext* pageContentContext = pdfWriter.StartPageContentContext(pdfPage);
+    //  include font file
+    PDFUsedFont* arialTTF = pdfWriter.GetFontForFile("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf");
+    //  include image file
+    //  ADD CONTENT 
+    //  ********************
+    //  set font color to black
+    pageContentContext->k(0,0,0,1);
+    //  set text object
+    pageContentContext->BT();
+    //  set font 
+    pageContentContext->Tf(arialTTF,1);
+    //  set position of text
+    pageContentContext->Tm(20,0,0,20,40,822);
+    //  insert text into PDF
+    pageContentContext->Tj("Text placed and scaled with Tm");
+    //  end of text
+    pageContentContext->ET();
+    pdfWriter.EndPageContentContext(pageContentContext);
+    pdfWriter.WritePageAndRelease(pdfPage);
+    // ****************Shutdown Usage************
+    // ******************************************
+    // ******************************************
+    pdfWriter.Shutdown("c:\\myFile.pdf.shutdown");
+    /*PDFWriter pdfWriterB;
+    pdfWriterB.ContinuePDF("c:\\myFile.pdf","myFile.pdf.shutdown","",LogConfiguration(true,true,".\\logMe"));
+    PDFPage* pdfPageB = new PDFPage();
+    //  set dimensions for an A4 sized page
+    pdfPageB->SetMediaBox(PDFRectangle(0,0,595,842));
+    PageContentContext* pageContentContextB = pdfWriterB.StartPageContentContext(pdfPageB);
+    PDFFormXObject* image = pdfWriterB.CreateFormXObjectFromJPGFile("C:\\Users\\bad-p\\Desktop\\Work Folder\\VS CODE\\SanAntonioPass.jpg");
+    if (!image){
+        TRACE_LOG("Image file not found, creating PDF without image.");
+        printf("The image \"C:\\Users\\bad-p\\Desktop\\Work Folder\\VS CODE\\SanAntonioPass.jpg\" was not found.");
+    }
+    pageContentContextB->q();
+    pageContentContextB->cm(0.4,0,0,0.4,57.5,241);
+    pageContentContextB->Do(pdfPageB->GetResourcesDictionary().AddFormXObjectMapping(image->GetObjectID()));
+    pageContentContextB->Q();
+    delete image;
+    //  ******************** 
+    pdfWriterB.EndPageContentContext(pageContentContextB);
+    EStatusCode f = pdfWriterB.WritePageAndRelease(pdfPageB);
+    if (f){
+        printf ("something interesting");
+    }
+    pdfWriterB.EndPDF();*/
     PDFWriter pdfWriterB;
     // Create a new page