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- 30April20
- 2) Debugger only seems to work if we use the -g command when compiling to include debug inside of executable. Find out if we can do this another way or if we need to
- turn that on and off, manually. This may lead to another task of addding this to all other targets in the makefile.
- 2May20
- 1) Continue with PDF Hummus, get text and image to work on same page using the Shutdown & Continue function.
- 2) make the text on page code into one function vs all the separate parts it is in currently.
- 5May20
- 1) When using modifyPage we found a segment fault - line 104. - will need to figure that out next time.
- 2) pdfWriter can be used with multiple pdfPage(s) - we don't seem to need shutdown and continue to get mutliple different pages launched.
- 19May20
- 1) in ..\PDFHummus-minGW-tools\Readme.txt there are notes describing why Msft implemented the VirtualStore, unfortunately there is unpredictable behavior.
- Some people at StackOverFLOW have a suggestion on how to deal with it.
- Microsoft does not gurantee that a file will be written and be able to be read. To undo this and figure out where a file is being written/read
- the link below may have a possible solution. Since Msft writes files "randomly", when trying to read or modify the same file the program is unable
- to access the file. The below link will potentially help in detection of Msft's read write redirect (Msft claims that they do it both directions...).
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14005081/how-to-detect-file-redirection-to-the-windows-virtualstore
- 07JUN20
- Add the Microsoft API debug information into VTune Profiler - so other winAPI calls can be tracked, for instance Sleep.
- Have a release and a debug version of executables -> change Makefile