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- 28April20
- Got image and text to work - but image resource has to be added before adding to pagecontext. there is a committed version of this from today.
- We now need to figure out how shutdown and continue works. In Gal's example it creates 2 separate pages. In our example it is now creating one page with only the image on it, no text.
- 30April20
- 1) Figure out this error message for pdfHummusTest1.exe:
- terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
- what(): std::bad_alloc
- segmentation fault was found on line 99 of the code.
- 2) Debugger only seems to work if we use the -g command when compiling to include debug inside of executable. Find out if we can do this another way or if we need to
- turn that on and off, manually. This may lead to another task of addding this to all other targets in the makefile.