# Stack the Boxes by Matt tags: math, numbers, algebra ## Summary > Here's an image of four models. Some of the cubes are hidden behind other cubes. Model one consists of one cube. Model two consists of four cubes, and so on... > Stack the Boxes > Write a function that takes a number n and returns the number of stacked boxes in a model n levels high, visible and invisible. > Examples > stackBoxes(1) ➞ 1 > stackBoxes(2) ➞ 4 > stackBox ## Instructions Here's an image of four models. Some of the cubes are hidden behind other cubes. Model one consists of one cube. Model two consists of four cubes, and so on... ![Stack the Boxes](https://edabit-challenges.s3.amazonaws.com/stack_the_boxes.png "Stack the Boxes") Write a function that takes a number `n` and returns the number of stacked boxes in a model `n` levels high, visible and invisible. ### Examples ``` stackBoxes(1) ➞ 1 stackBoxes(2) ➞ 4 stackBoxes(0) ➞ 0 ``` ### Notes Step `n` is a positive integer.