# Total Number of Unique Characters by Helen Yu tags: strings, data_structures ## Summary > Given two strings, create a function that returns the total number of unique characters from the combined string. > Examples > countUnique("apple", "play") ➞ 5 > // "appleplay" has 5 unique characters: > // "a", "e", "l", "p", "y" > countUnique("sore", "zebra") ➞ 7 > // "sorezebra" has 7 unique characters: > // "a", "b", "e", "o", "r", "s", "z" > countUnique("a", "soup") ➞ ## Instructions Given two strings, create a function that returns the total number of unique characters from the combined string. ### Examples ``` countUnique("apple", "play") ➞ 5 // "appleplay" has 5 unique characters: // "a", "e", "l", "p", "y" countUnique("sore", "zebra") ➞ 7 // "sorezebra" has 7 unique characters: // "a", "b", "e", "o", "r", "s", "z" countUnique("a", "soup") ➞ 5 ``` ### Notes - Each word will contain at least one letter. - All words will be lower cased.