# camelCase ⇄ snake_case by Matt tags: algorithms, regex, formatting, strings ## Summary > Create two functions toCamelCase() and toSnakeCase() that each take a single string and convert it into either camelCase or snake_case. If you're not sure what these terms mean, check the Resources tab above. > Examples > toCamelCase("hello_edabit") ➞ "helloEdabit" > toSnakeCase("helloEdabit") ➞ "hello_edabit" > toCamelCase("ismodalopen") ➞ "isModalOpen" > toSnakeCa ## Instructions Create two functions `toCamelCase()` and `toSnakeCase()` that each take a single string and convert it into either camelCase or snake_case. If you're not sure what these terms mean, check the **Resources** tab above. ### Examples ``` toCamelCase("hello_edabit") ➞ "helloEdabit" toSnakeCase("helloEdabit") ➞ "hello_edabit" toCamelCase("is_modal_open") ➞ "isModalOpen" toSnakeCase("getColor") ➞ "get_color" ``` ### Notes Test input will always be appropriately formatted as either camelCase or snake_case, depending on the function being called.