# Roman Numeral Converter by Matt tags: arrays, data_structures, numbers ## Summary > Create a function that takes an Arabic number and converts it into a Roman number. > Examples > convertToRoman(2) ➞ "II" > convertToRoman(12) ➞ "XII" > convertToRoman(16) ➞ "XVI" > Notes > All roman numerals should be returned as uppercase. > The largest number that can be represented in this notation is 3,999. ## Instructions Create a function that takes an Arabic number and converts it into a Roman number. ### Examples ``` convertToRoman(2) ➞ "II" convertToRoman(12) ➞ "XII" convertToRoman(16) ➞ "XVI" ``` ### Notes - All roman numerals should be returned as uppercase. - The largest number that can be represented in this notation is 3,999.